The world wide economy status we are facing, is inviting all of us to pursue INNOVATION & FRESH THINKING in all our Actions.
We would have to be able to conceive and make BETTER PRODUCTS at BETTER PRICING for our INDUSTRY,
Would you like to join me in this new Challenge venture ? - FOLLOW ME - 
A new World will soon be open to us.....
Ezio Drappo,
Inventor,.. Manager..,pianist.., but over all a free human being always THINKING "FRESH"

Out of my body

Need to stop. It happen early august @ Over a month preparation - sick - worry @ Surgery , the 22nd. Stone out, and the rest.

Few weeks after

With my dogs, my music, in my chair @ d
oin' nothing......
Or something....

Few weeks after

With mg dogs, my music, in my chair @ doin' nothing......

FRANCIS DARIZCUREN, walking basses with Ray Charles 2

grande musica, grandi maestri, but only one genius...

4 piano players

This is the night of 4 pianists, from 26 to 80 years old, with the other in between ,  30-40.
The young, techincally perfect but still "not mellow" , the older one , fresh and experienced of a different world.
to be continued

Around ed

Now, adesso, today, con i capelli grigi e lo sguardo oltre. Sad and blue . I think I was 15 or 16 , I went to the big city for a Concert. C'era colui che diventerà il mio idolo .Why ? I don't know, I was dreaming. Sempre sognavo di fare altro, mentre facevo qualcosa, sempre ho consacrato e sempre ho lasciato che accadesse, Why ? I don't know. Tomorrow will bring something, and I will be there.