Our Company....Et.neo Italia 2012
My world, don't mess it....
Xmas 2011 green trees, green times...
contemplazione naturale.....state of mind....
Green thinking
Etneo Luce LED - Flash d'energia naturale
Fiera delle energie, Milano 16-19/11, presemtazioni prodotti
Le nostre materie prime ! - Sole e Vento = Energia
I've got a crush on you ( in the dark )
Sun Energy for my Home
Little blues, being totally improvised
If you good, sometimes in your life, you come up with a work of a genius..if you do it again...and again ...... you may have.. a chance to became a genius !
France same place...
Piera relaxing in France, Releais Chateaux in Chinon
Ginza, mid 90
On the Great walls of China , la grande muraglia vicino a Pechino
London 1969 - Surrey 2003 - Rome , now
Etneo+ offices
Etneo goes plus...
Due passi verso la grid parity
ED in Selsdon Park, England
Sun, Wind, Mind
after all these years, we back to London, Chelsea, Kensington ...
Taipei, what else ....
Rome, may 11 2011 going to a meeting
used to be, still on my mind
The perfect Ramen, Tokyo, Raymond & me
Piera, my wife and her bike, green since ever
Nuova presentazione ENERGIE in linea !
cherry blossom in the garden I live
My home town, Novara
l'aria e' "free" , the sun too, quindi ???
La tua casa produce energia, dalle finestre, dal tetto , dalle pareti, con il vento e si illumina con i LED
An Other night in Taipei
Tokyo PV Show 2011 The front and the back
Tokyo, PV Show 2011
Sun Energy Tracker - Big Enough for many, but small enough for personal use !
è in funzione la nuova piattaforma d'acquisto prodotti per le energie rinnovabili
We- do- care ...(your future is our today thinking)
Two O eleven
My 2011 Vision
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